Alien Road Company

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Ecommerce Website Analysis

Ecommerce Website Analysis The online marketing world is constantly changing and evolving, including the online retailing industry, which continues to grow. The e-commerce market is one of the segments that is hugely affected by the changes that happen on the web. It’s becoming more competitive, since new businesses and platforms are always appearing on the Internet; and it’s getting more …

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Ecommerce Analytics: Reports and Insights That Really Matter for Online Stores

Ecommerce Analytics: Reports and Insights That Really Matter for Online Stores Google Analytics can be mind-boggling, even if you are only managing a website of few pages. Unending features, dropdowns, and filters make the task of analyzing traffic and site metrics challenging, especially for newbies. So, you can very well imagine what entrepreneurs who launch e-commerce stores with thousands of …

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How To Implement Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics

How To Implement Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics You’ve likely heard the term, but what exactly is e-commerce tracking? In short, it’s a feature on Google Analytics that allows you to track online transactions on e-commerce websites. It provides detailed analytical data to help establish the right path to maximum ROI. Ecommerce tracking even lets you see online traffic sources …

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