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注意: 再クロールと再インデックスに時間を許可してください。ページを公開した後、Googleが見つけてクロールするまでに数日かかる場合があります。 今後の変更についてGoogleに通知するために、サイトマップを提出することをお勧めします。これはSearch ConsoleのサイトマップAPIで自動化できます。
<html> <head> <title>My Beautiful Vacation Rental</title> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "VacationRental", "additionalType": "HolidayVillageRental", "brand": "my_brand_id", "containsPlace": { "@type": "Accommodation", "additionalType": "EntirePlace", "bed": [{ "@type": "BedDetails", "numberOfBeds" : 1, "typeOfBed": "Queen" }, { "@type": "BedDetails", "numberOfBeds" : 2, "typeOfBed": "Single" }], "occupancy": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "value" : 2 }, "amenityFeature": [ { "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification", "name": "ac", "value": true }, { "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification", "name": "airportShuttle", "value": true }, { "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification", "name": "balcony", "value": true }, { "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification", "name": "beachAccess", "value": true }, { "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification", "name": "childFriendly", "value": true } ], "floorSize": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "value" : 75, "unitCode": "MTK" }, "numberOfBathroomsTotal": 1, "numberOfBedrooms": 3, "numberOfRooms": 5 }, "identifier": "abc123", "latitude": "42.12345", "longitude": "101.12345", "name": "My Beautiful Vacation Rental", "address": { "addressCountry": "US", "addressLocality": "Mountain View", "addressRegion": "California", "postalCode": "94043", "streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy." }, "aggregateRating": { "ratingValue": 4.5, "ratingCount": 10, "reviewCount": 3, "bestRating": 5 }, "image": [ "https://example.com/mylisting/unit_image1.png", "https://example.com/mylisting/unit_image2.png", "https://example.com/mylisting/unit_image3.png", "https://example.com/mylisting/unit_image4.png", "https://example.com/mylisting/unit_image5.png", "https://example.com/mylisting/unit_image6.png", "https://example.com/mylisting/unit_image7.png", "https://example.com/mylisting/unit_image8.png" ], "checkinTime": "18:00:00+08:00", "checkoutTime": "11:00:00+08:00", "description": "A great Vacation Rental in the perfect neighborhood.", "knowsLanguage": ["en-US", "fr-FR"], "review": [{ "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": 4, "bestRating": 5 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Lillian Ruiz" }, "datePublished": "2022-12-01", "contentReferenceTime": "2022-11-17" }, { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "5", "bestRating": "5" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "John S." }, "datePublished": "2022-10-01", "contentReferenceTime": "2022-09-28" } ] } </script> </head> <body></body> </html>
- バケーションレンタルポリシー
- 検索の基本
- 一般的な構造化データガイドライン
警告: サイトがこれらのガイドラインの1つ以上に違反した場合、Googleは手動での措置を取る可能性があります。問題を解決した後、サイトを再評価のために提出できます。
Required properties | |
containsPlace |
Accommodation A vacation rental listing must contain one Accommodation to markup additional details such as beds, occupancy, number of rooms, and amenityFeature properties. |
containsPlace. |
QuantitativeValue Information about the maximum number of guests allowed to stay at the vacation rental listing.
"occupancy": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "value" : 5 } |
containsPlace. |
Integer The numerical value of guests allowed to stay at the vacation rental listing. |
identifier |
Text A unique identifier for the property.
Additional guidelines:
image |
Repeated URL One or more images of the listing. The listing must have a minimum of 8 photos (at least 1 image of each of the following: bedroom, bathroom, and common area).
Additionally, follow the Property listing image requirements. |
latitude (or geo. ) |
Number The latitude of the listing’s location. Precision must be at least 5 decimal places. |
longitude (or geo. ) |
Number The longitude of the listing’s location. Precision must be at least 5 decimal places. |
name |
Text The name of the vacation rental listing. |
Recommended properties | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
additionalType |
Text The type of vacation rental listing. Here are some suggested values:
The full definitions of these values are in Categories for lodging businesses. |
address |
PostalAddress Information about the street address of the listing. Include all properties that apply to your country.
"address": { "addressCountry": "US", "addressLocality": "Mountain View", "addressRegion": "California", "postalCode": "94043", "streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy." } |
address. |
Text The country of your vacation listing, using the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
address. |
Text The city of your vacation listing. |
address. |
Text The region of your vacation listing. For example, a state. |
address. |
Text The postal code for your vacation listing. |
address. |
Text The full street address of your vacation listing. |
aggregateRating |
AggregateRating The average vacation rental rating is based on multiple ratings or reviews. Follow the review snippet guidelines and the list of required and recommended aggregate rating properties. |
brand |
Text The brand ID associated with this property. Read more about how to to associate your properties to brands and how link your brand icons and display names to respective brand IDs in the Hotel Center documentation. |
checkinTime |
Time The earliest time someone may check into a lodging establishment in ISO 8601 format.
Example: |
checkoutTime |
Time The latest time someone may check into a lodging establishment in ISO 8601 format.
Example: |
containsPlace. |
Text The type of room for this accommodation. Use one of the following values:
containsPlace. |
Repeated amenityFeature
Whether the property has a certain feature or amenity. Boolean examples follow this pattern: "amenityFeature": { "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification", "name" : "featureName", "value": true } Boolean valuesUse one of the following values for the
Non-boolean values We also support the following non-boolean Non-boolean values follow this pattern: "amenityFeature": { "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification", "name" : "featureName", "value": "detail" }
containsPlace. |
Repeated BedDetails Information about the type and number of beds in the listing.
"bed": [{ "@type": "BedDetails", "numberOfBeds" : 1, "typeOfBed": "Queen" }, { "@type": "BedDetails", "numberOfBeds" : 2, "typeOfBed": "Single" }] |
containsPlace. |
Integer The number of beds in the listing. |
containsPlace. |
Text The type of beds in the listing. Here are some suggested values:
containsPlace. |
QuantitativeValue Size of the accommodation. It must be specified using unitCode property values:
"floorSize": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "value" : 75, "unitCode": "MTK" } |
containsPlace. |
Integer The total bathrooms in the listing. Follow real estate conventions as documented in RESO and use the simple sum of the number of bathrooms. For example, for a property with two full bathrooms and one half bathroom, the total number of bathrooms is 2.5. |
containsPlace. |
Integer The total number of bedrooms in the listing. |
containsPlace. |
Integer The total number of rooms in the listing. |
description |
Text A description of the property. |
knowsLanguage |
Repeated Text The languages the host can speak. Use language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard, such as en-US or fr-FR . |
review |
Repeated Review One or more user reviews of the listing. Follow the review snippet guidelines and the list of required and recommended review properties.
"review": { "@type": "Review", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "4", "bestRating": "5" }, "datePublished": "2023-02-09" "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Lillian R" } } |
review. |
The start date of the author’s stay. |
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パフォーマンスレポートを使用してGoogle検索トラフィックを分析してください。データは、ページが検索結果にリッチリザルトとしてどのくらいの頻度で表示されているか、ユーザーがどのくらいの頻度でクリックしているか、検索結果での平均位置を示します。また、Search Console APIを使用してこれらの結果を自動的に取得することもできます。
- コンテンツ管理システム(CMS)を使用している場合や、別の誰かがあなたのサイトを管理している場合、彼らに助けを求めてください。問題の詳細を含む検索コンソールメッセージを転送してください。
- Googleは、構造化データを使用する機能が検索結果に表示されることを保証しません。Googleがあなたのコンテンツをリッチリザルトとして表示しない一般的な理由のリストは、一般的な構造化データガイドラインを参照してください。
- 構造化データにエラーがあるかもしれません。構造化データエラーのリストを確認してください。
- ページに対して構造化データの手動アクションを受けた場合、そのページの構造化データは無視されます(ただし、ページはGoogle検索結果に表示される可能性があります)。構造化データの問題を修正するには、手動アクションレポートを使用してください。
- 再度ガイドラインを確認し、コンテンツがガイドラインに準拠していないかを特定してください。問題は、スパムコンテンツやスパムマークアップの使用によって引き起こされる可能性があります。しかし、問題は構文の問題ではないかもしれません。そのため、リッチリザルトテストはこれらの問題を特定できない可能性があります。
- 欠落したリッチリザルトや総リッチリザルトの減少をトラブルシューティングしてください。
- 再クロールと再インデックスのための時間を確保してください。ページが公開された後、Googleがそれを見つけてクロールするまでに数日かかる場合があります。クロールとインデックスに関する一般的な質問については、Google検索のクロールとインデックスに関するFAQを確認してください。
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